This screen displays the ecu parameters and allows you to modify them. The list of parameter depends on the user profile selected in the settings menu and on the ecu version.
Read parameters

The parameters are grouped by categories. To expand or collapse a category, just click on its name. The parameter values are displayed in purple.
“- – -” is displayed as far as the value of the parameter has not been obtained.
After parameter reading and/or modification, don’t forget to come back to the main menu page. If you don’t do so, the car could remain in an ecu dialog mode making it unable to start. If this happened anyway, just reconnect the app and the ecu will exit this dialog mode. If you would not be able to reconnect the app, you can always unplug and re-plug a high voltage fuse to reset the ecu.
Modify parameters
Be aware that modifying ecu parameters requires a perfect knowledge of this operation. A wrong setting may make your car unable to start or even damage its batteries or make it dangerous for people inside an outside of it. If you are not sure of what you are doing, don’t do it !

Click on the parameter you want modify. A box appears showing the name and the value of the parameter. The value is displayed in purple as long as it is equal to the actual value. You can modify the value by pressing the plus and minus button. Once modified, the value is displayed in yellow.
Click outside of the box to come back to the parameter list.

After modifying all the desired parameters, the new values appear in yellow. A parameter displayed in yellow means that the value has been modified but has not yet been sent to the ECU. If you quit the app before sending the values, all the modifications will be lost !
Send parameters

To send the new values to the ECU, swipe the parameter list to the side.

While the new values are sent to the ECU a waiting screen is displayed showing the status of the operation. When a parameter has been correctly sent, a green check is displayed beside the parameter name. If a red cross is displayed, a problem occurred during the sending.
When all values have been sent, The ECU will restart. This takes about 5 seconds and the water pump will briefly stop during this operation. Sometimes the reconnection may be difficult after the restart and may lead to several reconnection attempts.
Finally, the parameter list is displayed again and the modified parameters will be refreshed. Check that the new values are correctly displayed.